Unleashing the Power of Biochar: Insights from the Biochar Malaysia-Indonesia 2nd Webinar June 11, 2023July 20, 2023Sherwin Lee Catch the Excitement! Watch the Recorded Webinar on Biochar for Environmental and Agricultural Use here. [...]
PENGGUNAAN BIOCHAR SEBAGAI MEDIA DALAM SISTEM HIDROPONIK December 24, 2021June 11, 2023Sherwin Lee Adakah pokok akan subur? 🤔Apakah kelebihannya berbanding media yang lain? 🤔 Dengan sukacitanya kami menjemput Tuan/Puan untuk sama-sama hadir ke sesi perkongsian hasil [...]
If you have missed the Biochar Webinar, do not fret! January 18, 2021October 12, 2021Sherwin Lee You can view the recorded webinar in Youtube here! [...]